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맥용 쿽 3.3k 쓰시는 분 열리나 확인좀...부탁드려요

  • - 첨부파일 : news.qxd (796.3K) - 다운로드


일주일째 ibm에서 쿽3.3 저장을 실현코자 바실리스크서 부터 pearpc 까지 설치해봤지만
바실리스크는 쿽3.11k이상 설치가 불가능하여 포기하고 pearpc는 클래식 구동 실패로
검색도중 아래와 같은 원문을 발견하여 이렇게 도움을 요청합니다.

(제가 생각하기론 ibm용 쿽 4.1의 자동 세이브 파일이 3.3x 버전으로 저장된단 소리같네요)

일단 그렇게 해서 파일 생성을 해봤습니다.

맥용 쿽 3.3k 쓰시는분 위 첨부 파일 다운로드해서 한번만 살펴주시옵소서~

^^ 그럼...^^

http://www.quark.com/service/desktop/support/techinfo/technotes.jsp?idx=17 원문링크 입니다.

tech•notes — Backing Up Documents: Using Auto Backup (Windows)
The QuarkXPress® Auto Backup feature allows you to automatically keep a specified number of earlier saved versions of a document. You enable Auto Backup in the Application Preferences dialog box.

Enabling Auto Backup
Choose Edit > Preferences > Application (ctrl+alt+shift+y) to display the Application Preferences dialog box.
Click the Save tab and check Auto Backup. (In QuarkXPress 3.3x, just check Auto Backup.)
Enter the number of document revisions you want to retain in the Keep revisions field. (You can retain up to 100 revisions of a document.)
NOTE: Each backup revision of a document is a full copy of the previously saved version of the document. Specifying a large number of revisions may consume hard disk space rapidly.

Click the Document Folder button to save revisions to the folder that contains the original files. (Document Folder is the default setting. (In QuarkXPress 3.3x, click the button to the right of Destination to display the Backup Destination dialog box. Then click to save revisions to the folder/directory that contains the original files.)
To select a different folder to store revisions in, click the Other Folder button then click Browse to display the Browse for Folder dialog box. Click the desired folder once to highlight it, then click OK. The path to the selected folder displays in the Folder field in the Application Preferences dialog box.

To create a new folder, click Other Folder and type the path and name of the folder in the Folder field. When you click OK, a dialog box displays asking if you want to create the folder. Click Yes to create the folder and use it as the backup folder.

(In QuarkXPress 3.3x, click the button to the right of Destination to display the Backup Destination dialog box. Navigate to the directory you want to store revisions in, or click the New Directory button to create and name a new backup folder/directory. Click the desired folder once to highlight it, then click OK to open it. Click OK again to select that folder as the backup folder. The path to the selected folder displays to the right of Destination in the Application Preferences dialog box.)
NOTE: Revisions created by Auto Backup have a revision number appended to the document name. Since the auto backup files have similar names to the original files, you may want to save revisions in a different folder as indicated in step 5 above to avoid confusion.

How Auto Backup works
When Auto Backup is on, each time you choose File > Save (or ctrl+s), the previous version of the document is sent to the backup folder designated above. A consecutive number is added to the name of the original file for each new backup; the most recent backup has the highest number.

When the number of the backup files exceeds the number of revisions you specified above, the oldest revision is deleted. For example, if you specified five revisions and have saved your document a total of eight times, the most recent version of the document will be in your document folder, and the five previous revisions, numbered 3 through 7, will be saved in the backup folder.

To use a previous version of a document, open the numbered version of the document located in the backup folder.

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2004-05-04 21:46:30
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4.0이랑 4.1 버젼에서는,,,
컴퓨터가 다운이 되버리네요,,,
그리고 3.3에서 열어보니,,
서체가 알수 없음 이라고 뜨구요,,,
다른서체로 바꿔보니 괴상한 글자들로,,,,^^

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회원사진 레벨 관리자 1,007 0 0 2018.10.29
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